Rest in peace Ani.

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They won`t sit down for a while :-)

It got a bit wet in London the other night ....

A few photos....

Rest in peace Ani.

Hello everyone....
Sorry about the lapse in comunication but have been dealing with a death in the family....funeral on Monday.....

Apart from that I have been quite busy,
I was looking at a menu outside a chinese takeaway and saw this young bunch of Somalli kids....13 > 15 years old, looking at my utillity belt and the items on it, after looking at them, as in I know what you are after, I told them to fuqc off.....they walked up the street only to return a few minutes later and go into the restaurant, walk over to a table with a customer at it and try the distraction routine on the guy in wave a peice of paper under your nose and with the other hand nick whats on the table, ie, mobile phone and pass it back to the guy nearest to the door so he can run of with it...they then legged it for the door way to find me standing there and made them give the phone back and then gave each one a good kick up the a**e on the way out.....they won`t be back...and they won`t sit down for a while :-)

It got a bit wet in London the other night ....I was on a boat called "The Tattershall Castle" moored on the Thames and took a couple of photos of the veiw, I didn`t want to use flash because I wanted it to resemble what "I"... was seeing.....
The first was not to can even see Big Ben in the background but the second one the whole area lit up with a lightning flash straight in front of me......
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At the 2600 meeting we had a guy turn up with a novel blue tooth device :-) and yes it worked....

A shop window that caught my eye....
Zoots mon

I saw this pavement artist with a difference....he lays down a canvas and paints on to it and then rolls it up and takes it to his next busking don`t have to restart from scratch and only have to pay attention to some area of no expertise and people give you money......
This is the second guy I have seen doing this, and strangely enough he was working on the same area of the picture, the right hand side where the tiles are...the least difficult bit...Hmmm

Night people on the tube :-)

I have loadsa more stuff to blog but havn`t had the time to do so....

Thanks for all your replys they are most welcome.....but "spammers" are not welcome and will be dealt with accordingly...also if you desire to alter something on "my" blog then ask me to do it for`s a lot easier :-) you know who you do we ;-)

Thank you everyone for reading....I hope to get back to a more usual routine with my blog, so as you all don`t have to waste time checking to see if anything new has come up....

Bye for now
Yours the Reverend Rat

1 Comment

your pavenment artist is a guy called Wolf, AFAIK, who runs a gallery in Surebitch called T12 :

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by The Reverend Rat published on July 10, 2004 11:46 AM.

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