Infosec 2011 report

Infosec 2011 report


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Loot list.

I only went for the stuff I liked as there were quite a few crap T- shirts and like how many stress toys and biros do you really need?

USB sticks 11

Blockmaster Safestick 1 and 2Gb
Vizi safe 2Gb
Safenet 2Gb
Gdata 2Gb
Safend 2Gb
Anue 1Gb x 2
Idappcom 128Mb x 3


Codenomicon T-shirt
Firebrand T-shirt
Trustwave T-shirt
Eskenzi 5 pairs of boxer shorts


Sonicwall Jelly bears x 3
Ironkey Mints
Smallwall Chuppa Chuppa Lolly from the guys with airblasters
Eset Smarties


6 assorted pens
Landesk, Highlighter pen
Seagate, flashing badge
Flashing lanyard no name as it rubbed off
Seagate, a mini mouse
After party, 1000 point roulette token, beer and wine
Qualsys, 9 half pint glass tankards full
Everywhere, Beer Vodka more beer and champagne in a few places
Application Security inc, Postit notes and three bound notepads
Data Maker, 3 tins of plastic putty and Cocktails
ioactive, Various stickers
Pressroom, coffee and sandwiches
Gdata, 3 boxes of tissues
Sipera, 2 silicon covers for my Htc
Websense, Multitool
ironkey, bag
Webroot, bag
4 after party armbands

Titus, a well made flexible torch / Laser pointer in my view the best freebee of the show.



Sophos, Antivirus and Security toolkit plus luggage tag
Webroot, Android full version, protection system
Astec d.o.o. Risk management tool called ARAT 4.0

The Show

Well, I booked online and got there at the tailend of a power outage upstairs, went to get my ticket to be told I am not on the computer. After a few calls I had to fill in a form, and as they started to enter the details the Apple mac crashed so they went to
a second and it crashed as well. Hmmm and I hadn't even touched

Eventually I got my pass and it ripped a hour later as due to cutbacks oops sorry, being green they stopped putting the passes in plastic sleeves.

Other cutbacks sorry I meant Ecologically sound reasons, we got no paper plates in the press room instead having to use expensive serviettes to balance the sandwiches on also even the bog paper was really narrow compared to the norm. at this rate next year we will get rubber stamped at the entrance instead of passes and Izal paper for the toilet and plates :-)

To get into the after party you need to register for an armband and got told that the press are not invited this year only exhibitors, so after a run around trying to find out how to get in I went to the issue place and they rang someone who said is it for the
Reverend Rat ? The woman looked at my pass and said yes, then she got told "Oh he needs a pass as he is a long term fixture at the party" :-))

The lady on the end of the phone was the top organizer of the show and came down and gave me some more bands for my guests, Thanks Claire.

Hi to the security guys and Peter their Boss, good as usual

Hi to Neil and the ladies at the Press office thanks for the warm welcome.

Well at least this year it wasn't all about fluffy internet and a good selection of vendors turned up also overall most of the stands were happy as it seemed that Junkets have been wiped out and that the majority of people visiting were there on a mission instead of
a skiving off work etc.

All in all I had a good time and met up with a few friends I look forward to next year's show.

That's it for now, thanks for looking in.


The Reverend Rat

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by on behalf of The Reverend Rat published on April 27, 2011 10:06 PM.

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