Bits and Bobs

Weird...It must have been a bad day at the office....

Went to the Internet cafe in Earls Court and noticed upon boot they had got a boot virus, WYX Virus....

Yesterday the scaffolders started work and got a visit from the Councils Health and Safety people...

Last night I went out and about and found an "Arcam Alpha 6" amplifier

Hi everyone,

Went to the Internet cafe in Earls Court and noticed upon boot they had got a boot virus, WYX Virus which although it is Non desructive it shouldn`t be there,
I point out the virus to the sysad who said,, oh that, yeah it keeps coming must be on someones floppy and it`s reinfecting the system don`t worry about it.....

The Internet in my High Street is open for business cost a lot of money and the owners are not to chuffed.

Yesterday the scaffolders started work and got a visit from the Councils Health and Safety people...only one guy had steel toecap boots on, and none of them were wearing hardhats, they were dropping the poles down to each other and throwing the clamps on to the pavement while people were walking past....the Safety guys had a field day.
Today there is no sign of the scaffolders and the Council has declared the chimneys dangerous structures and have insisted the work be done on them :-)

Close up of damage

Last night I went out and about and found an "Arcam Alpha 6" amplifier in a skip, I got it home checked it over and plugged it in and it works perfectly :-)

Weird...It must have been a bad day at the office,
I have just seen a guy in a pinstripe suit with an attache case, walking down my street, He`s ranting and raving unintelligibly and tipping his head back and howling like a wolf...I could still hear him when he had gone around the corner.

London 2600 meeting is on Friday.

Thats about all the news for now,
TTFN +:-)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by The Reverend Rat published on October 1, 2003 9:17 PM.

Hooray freedom at last... was the previous entry in this blog.

Scaffolding, Hackers Handbook, Perverts at Waterloo is the next entry in this blog.

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