Tim Worstall: Should We Have a Petrol Boycott?

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There is an interesting posting and discussion on Tim Worstall's blog:

Should We Have a Petrol Boycott?

which analyses the idea of a selective petrol boycott against, say the market leaders, to get them to drop their prices, at least for a while.



Living in a rural area we do not have the option of public transport, we have no choice we have to put petrol in our car to live our day to day lives. The cost of fuel is now having a real effect on our quaility of life having to think every journey is it really nesasary.

I've received an email about boycotting the leading suppliers, I think that idea has great potential, without suffering ourselves and not having fuel. I forwarded this email to everybody in my address book. The hard bit is getting them all to carry it out.
If the nation agreed with this boycott and knew that the rest of the country was willing to carry it out, then maybe they would see it through.

I've received an email about boycotting the leading suppliers, I think that idea has great potential, without suffering ourselves and not having fuel. I forwarded this email to everybody in my address book. The hard bit is getting them all to carry it out.
If the nation agreed with this boycott and knew that the rest of the country was willing to carry it out, then maybe they would see it through.

something needs to be done NOW.living in the country we have to plan every journey.we are also farming and fuel prices are making our life harder and harder.there is no need for high fuel prices(we can grow fuel )

i am a carer to my partner we dont get increases in our allowences and are finding it harder to keep our transport filled with petrol we are now putting a tenner a time? just over 2 gallons scandalous! bring on the blockades ill,be there.

Again the government dismiss the issue and suggest any change in fuel duty would not effect the consumer. Once again proving just how out of touch they really are. I'm well up for another boycott/protest, it's just a shame this didn't happen prior to the last election.

Hi I run a joinery and builing contractors with v

ans and lorry it is get hard to keep go with fuel go up let go to the roads

i think this country goes from bad to worse... petrol has reached a rediculous price and it has now gone out of control... the government wont do anything about it (they didnt last time).. but action needs to be taken... Boycott, boycott, boycott!!! My sympathy is stronger for the companys who have freight to run ...

I was always led to believe that diesel was a by-product and was cheaper to produce - So how come it is 4p to 5p per ltr dearer. Mr. Brown should slice 25-30 p per ltr off fuel and cap the oil companies....

I don't believe a boycott of petrol stations is the answer. This isn't about prices set by fuel companies - but by the government and high taxes.

The only way to go I believe is a repeat of 2000 with blockades at refineries to stop the flow of fuel. A national fuel crisis like 2000 is the only way to let them know we won't accept economical blackmail by high taxation any longer!

I think a combination of the two blockade the refineries and boycott the petrol stations. It would take just one week for the Goverment to lower the tax on fuel if everybody in the country would stick together and not purchase fuel for just one week, surely we could manage not to buy fuel for a week!! The Goverment did do something about it last time, it frightened them to death, but we (the public) caved in to early, we did have the Goverment worried.Yes Diesel is a bi product but good old Gordon knows there is a lot more diesel cars on the road than there has been previously. Our local garage has just hit £1.00 per litre for diesel and petrol, the owner has said that approx 75/80 pence of the £1.00 is pure tax revenue that goes to the Goverment.

Voting with your feet does work we only have to look at France, Spain, Italy, they wouldnt stand for this, so why are we.....

Of course there's more Diesels on the road now - remember a few years ago Diesel was quite a bit cheaper than unleaded - of course, as soon as loads of people bought Diesel cars, the Government stung them by reversing the situation.

We need big, public protests, the Government doesn't listen to the people - they will regret it.

Yes to blockade, Its time that this goverment was
show that british businesses are not going to be walked over, not just fuel prices but
large increases in business rates.We are in suffolk and would like details of where & when

how on earth are we to pay for all the immigration if we dont hammer the motorist? everything people buy in this country,from a box of matches to cars are carried by wagon, it is absolutely scandalous to have fuel prices so high. another thing is,how many of us get mileage allowance for travelling to work? mp,s make sure they get their generous bit.BLOCKADE AND LET THIS GOVERNMENT KNOW THE LEVEL OF YOUR FEELINGS.GOOD LUCK

how on earth are we to pay for all the immigration if we dont hammer the motorist? everything people buy in this country,from a box of matches to cars are carried by wagon, it is absolutely scandalous to have fuel prices so high. another thing is,how many of us get mileage allowance for travelling to work? mp,s make sure they get their generous bit.BLOCKADE AND LET THIS GOVERNMENT KNOW THE LEVEL OF YOUR FEELINGS.GOOD LUCK

i think not only should we block the refineries,we should block our ports as well and stop continental vehicles runnig around the uk on cheap fuel and no road taxing charges for them. could you imagine what they would do if we went over there countries running on cheaper fuel than them and toll free and undercutting them on there rates.they would burn our lorries and the police would do nothing to stop them

When are this government going to listen to the people. Whilst his Tonyness is out there strutting the world stage (currently China & India) he is totally disregarding home issues. How is it that no other government slaps 80 something % on fuel? Where is the money going?
Hurricane Katrina happened 12 days ago, fuel hikes have been going on for months. The Iraq war is over. So all the bullshit that they keep feeding us is lies. Let's all get out there next Wednesday and bring the government to it's knees.
Remember it is supposed to be them answerable to us.

Just to show my support further to blockades, I/ve given all my staff time off work to join the blockades. If they can't get fuel to come to work, they have all volunteered to sit at a blockade instead of sitting at home.I'll be there too, well prepared.
When the police use there intimidating tactics to move us on, remember, this is not a communist country (not yet, anyway), we legally have the right to protest in what is left of this democracy.
Food for thought :-
I visit my elderly mother once a week. A round trip used to cost about £40 in fuel.
It now sets me back £85. I just haven't got £85/week to spend on fuel(tax). Sorry Mum.

The government are not stupid, if they did reduce the amount of tax on fuel they would only increase taxes elsewhere to make up for the money they have lost. The only thing a protest will do is to harm ordinary people who rely on their car to get to work. Not all employers are willing to pay staff who dont turn up whether its their fault or not.

The government and the oil barons must think that people are simple minded. How many people think that the petrol in Britain comes from the USA. Oil is procuded all over the states including Alasca and the temporary hickup in Alabama makes no difference to the over output. The price of petrol in America is approx 32p per litre, we in Britain are paying the dearest in the EU, that is because the more the petrol prices increase the more the government takes

I commute 33000 miles a year at my own cost and I have seen fuel prices double since I have been commuting Mr Brown does not care about the general public and ther running costs it seems that the tresurey are just lining there purse.Wages do not rise in line with inflation. The only way to get action is to protest and support the hauliers who must be suffering, blockades are required as soon as possible do not delay or it will get worse.

About this blog

This United Kingdom based blog attempts to draw public attention to, and to comment on, the Fuel Crisis caused by UK Government policy on energy i.e. petrol, diesel, LPG for use in vehicles, and for electricity generation, and the knock on effects on transport, food, domestic heating costs etc.

For a country with North Sea Oil and Gas,why are fuel prices so expensive in the United Kingdom ?

Most of the price for fuel that we pay is Tax to Her Majesty's Treasury, not directly anything to do with the world price of petroleum.

Is it really going to take blockades and protests in the streets again, like in 2000 under the Labour government, before the Conservative / Liberal Democrat Coalition Government listens to the people and abolishes the tax increases on fuel, which has reached over £1 £1.40 per litre of petrol in many areas ?

Or are they going to mismanage the Fuel Crisis, yet again, but this time invoke their Emergency Powers under the Civil Contingencies Act, or using the vast sureveillance powers of the state to snoop on peaceful protestors ?

Email Contact

Please feel free to email us your views about this blog, or news about the issues it tries to comment on:

info @ fuel-crisis.org.uk

If you want to send us something confidential, then you can use our PGP public encryption key

UK Fuel Price and Tax statistics

Various statistics on Fuel Prices and rates of Fuel Duty and VAT, are published by the misnamed Department of Energy and Climate Change:

Energy statistics: prices, where you "can download annual, quarterly, monthly and weekly statistics in Microsoft Excel 2000 format"

The Weekly Fuel Prices Table (.xls) is updated each Tuesday at 9.30 am.

Government Website Links

WriteToThem Identify and Contact your Member of Parliament, Members of the Welsh Assembly, Scottish Parliament, European Parliament etc,

No. 10 Downing Street Prime Minister Tony Blair Gordon Brown gets David Cameron gets hundreds of thousands of letters and emails a year. It is possible to write to or email the Prime Minister, but do not expect him to actuually read your message, let alone respond to it personally.

Her Majesty's Treasury
Complain to Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown Alistair Darling George Osborne:
"Emails and letters for the Chancellor and his ministerial team come in the first instance into HM Treasury's Correspondence and Enquiry Unit and then are sent into the Chancellor's Private Office. All correspondence received is replied to, within 15 working days and so you will receive a response."

To email the Chancellor or the ministerial team, the address is:

ministers@ hm-treasury.gsi.gov.uk

and to send a letter the address is:

Rt Hon George Osborne MP,
Chancellor of the Exchequer,
HM Treasury,
1 Horse Guards Road,

You can also fax correspondence on:
020 7270 4580

Consumer Focus - the former Energy Watch independent watchdog for gas and electricity consumers has been amalgamted into Consumer Focus

The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets - the regulator for Britain's gas and electricity industries.

Department of Energy and Climate Change

The Government Department which is supposed to be coming up with and implementing some sort of strategic Energy Policy for the United Kingdom, was shunted off in October 2008 into the newly created Department of Energy and Climate Change, to make way for the return of the twice disgraced Peter Mandleson's return to the Cabinet.

The useless Minister put in charge was Ed Miliband, the younger brother of the equally useless, yet ambitious, Foreign Secretary David Miliband (another example of NuLabour nepotism). - It turns out that both brothers were ambitious for power and Ed Miliband is now the Leader of the Labour party, which is proving to be as incompetent in regard to Energy Policy and Fuel Prices in Opposition, as it was when in power.

The lack of continuity of Ministers in charge of this department has continued under the Coalition, with the Liberal Democrat Chris Huhne resigning to clear his name of driving offence allegations.

The Ministerial team who might make announcements about Energy Policy, or who will be flying off at public expense, to international conferences etc. representing the UK, and who you might wish to write to or lobby in person, are:

So far, these Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition government politicians have not been much of an improvement over their incompetent and authoritarian Labour predecessors.

DECC Contact Us web page.

Department of Energy and Climate Change
3 Whitehall Place

General enquiries:
0300 060 4000
[standard national rate)

Email: correspondence@decc.gsi.gov.uk

"Enquiries from journalists should always be directed to the DECC Press Office, either as per the IPO Directory (White Book) or via the Enquiry Unit on 0300 060 4000. The out-of-hours number for urgent press enquiries is 020 7215 3505."

The top civil servant is the Permanent Secretary Moira Wallace
email: perm.sec@decc.gsi.gov.uk

The DECC Corporate Governance page list some more of the top civil servants and publishes reports about some of their foreign trips and expenses paid by th etax payer.

N.B. these do not reveal all the extremely rich Energy Company vested interest lobbying activity which obviously influences them more than the plight of the log suffering general public.

Protest Website Links

Fuel Tax Protest - low turnout protests in 2005

Farmers for Action some of the organisers of the fuel protests in 2000

Road Haulage Association

Fuelprotest.com online petition

Fuel Website Links

Automobile Association summary of UK and Oversease fuel prices

Rip-Off Britain

Fuel Industry Links

UK Petroleum Industry Association - made up of the 9 companies the main oil refineries in the UK.

UK Petroleum Industry Association Ltd,
Quality House
Quality Court Tel: 020 7269 7600
E-mail: info@ukpia.com

BP Oil UK Ltd, Witan Gate House, 500/ 600 Witan Gate, Milton Keynes, MK9 1ES
Tel: 01908 853000,

ConocoPhillips, ConocoPhillips Centre, 2 Kingmaker Court, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick CV34 6DB
Tel: 01926 404000

Esso UK Ltd, ExxonMobil House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8UX
Tel: 01372 222000

Ineos Refining, INEOS Group Ltd., Hawkslease, Chapel Lane, Lyndhurst, Hampshire, SO43 7FG
Tel: 0238 0287067

Murco Petroleum Ltd, 4 Beaconsfield Road, St.Albans, AL1 3RH
Tel: 01727 892400

Petroplus UK, St. Mark`s Court, Teesdale, Stockton-on-Tees, TS17 6QW
Tel: 01642 736101

Shell UK Ltd, Shell Centre, York Road, London SE1 7NA
Tel: 020 7257 3000

ChevronTexaco Ltd, 1 Westferry Circus, Canary Wharf, London E14 4HA
Tel: 020 7719 3000

Total UK Ltd, 40 Clarendon Road, Watford WD1 2TQ
Tel: 01923 694000

Energy Networks Association represents the licensed gas and electricity transmission and distribution companies in the UK.

ENA member companies

Blog Links

Spy Blog - civil liberties, security, privacy, technology, legislation

Global Guerrillas - John Robb

NuLabour blog

ParliamentProtest.org.uk blog - opposition to the curtailment of peacefule demonstrations and protests around Parliament and Whitehall and beyond.

Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers and Political Dissidents

The hints and tips below are just as important to anybody organising a peaceful Fuel Protest, as they are to other people who might come under UK Government or Multinational Corporation surveillance for their political activties.

Please take the appropriate precautions if you are planning to blow the whistle on shadowy and powerful people in Government or commerce, and their dubious policies. The mainstream media and bloggers also need to take simple precautions to help preserve the anonymity of their sources e.g. see Spy Blog's Hints and Tips for Whistleblowers - or use this easier to remember link: http://ht4w.co.uk

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