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Digital Bubble

Advertising analysts lay their cards on the table - Times Online

Internet search is expected to contribute up to three quarters of all advertising revenue growth this year, while traditional media stagnates, according an influential industry forecaster.

WPP’s GroupM predicts that advertising will grow by 6 per cent in 2008, but without the contribution from Google and other search engines, the rate of improvement across other media would be only 1.5 per cent.

Internet advertising will also come close to overtaking television advertising in 2008, emphasising how fast the new medium has become a mainstream means of promotion. This year internet spending is predicted to hit £3.4 billion, up from £2.6 billion in 2007, on GroupM’s estimates.

The "Internet ad-boom" is only going to work if the utility of the services doesn't approach zero ... once spam-infested email and "drive by" infections become the norm - people will treat adverts on the web like they do viruses now ..

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