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MPAA accused of hiring a hacker

MPAA accused of hiring a hacker | CNET News.com

The Motion Picture Association of America hired a hacker to steal information from a company that the MPAA has accused of helping copyright violators, according to a lawsuit filed Wednesday.

This seems unlikely - and of course the MPAA deny the claims - but the current lawsuit filed by Torrent Spy - "the largest BitTorrent search engine" claims that the hacker was hired to steal email and trade secrets from the company.

This will be one to watch - if the claims are true and stand up in court it will expose MPAA as an organisation with no scruples whatsover.

"We have very significant proof of wrongdoing and the MPAA's involvement,"

"We think it's ironic for the MPAA to claim that they are protecting the rights of the movie studios and then go out and pirate other people's property."

Ira Rothken, lawyer for TorrentSpy was quoted as saying.

You can get a copy of a pdf of the lawsuit here - it makes interesting reading.

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