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MPAA vs Deep Throat

I've been meaning to point out for a while that although the MPAA is all against movie "piracy" - i.e. copyright violation theft - it doesn't seem to be concerned that Deep Throat starring Linda Lovelace is widely available on all sorts of P2P sharing networks.

Today this report entitled Intellectual Property Runs Amok provides the interesting fact that I have been looking for.

42% OF ALL VIDEO files shared online are pornographic. No porn-sharing cases have yet been tried in the U.S.

Why am I not surprised at this?

Do porn film makers become members of the MPAA? or do they have to be "invited in" like members of some secret society?

Where do the MPAA get their porn films from anyhow?

Maybe they get DRM locked versions for review from the underground porn producers - just like everyone else.

They wouldn't dare to rent them from a local store - except under a false name.

They wouldn't dare pay for them via credit card from an online supplier.

They would have to go in person to their non-local porn shop and buy them in cash.

If I was cynical I could suggest that the best chance of saving them the embarrasment of the neighbours finding out that "Shemales On Top" was their favourite rented video - would be to download it from a P2P site like everyone else.

But that would be illegal wouldn't it?

So why aren't the MPAA going after the porn film file sharers if they make up 42% of the films online?

Enquiring minds want to know
